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Have questions about your auto accident in Reno?  

How to Choose an Auto Accident Lawyer

Author: Patricia Woloch

Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of thirty-four. Annually, auto accidents are responsible for over 40,000 deaths. Unfortunately, statistics show that you are likely to be involved in at least one auto accident in your lifetime.

If you are in an auto accident, it is likely that you will need an attorney to help protect your rights. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a auto accident attorney. Questions to ask include:

· How long has the attorney been in practice?

· Does the attorney have experience in similar types of cases?

· What is the attorney's record in recovering damages for clients injured in auto accidents?

· Is the attorney prepared to take auto accident cases on a contingency basis, and does he or she have the financial resources necessary to do so?

Auto accidents are the most popular cause of personal injury claims, and whether you were the driver or passenger in a car accident, or even if you are a pedestrian involved in a car accident, you could be entitled to compensation for pain, suffering and injury caused by an auto accident that was not your fault.

Some of the claims that you may be able to make include:

· Claims against an uninsured driver

· Claims for medical expenses caused by a car accident

· Claims for lost wages

· Claims for damage to vehicle

· Claims for pedestrians involved in car accidents

It is important to seek assistance and advice from a qualified and experienced auto accident lawyer as soon as possible following the accident. You may be limited for time when it comes to claiming compensation, so it is important to seek advice as soon as possible.

An experienced auto accident lawyer can help you to get the compensation you deserve to cover any costs incurred due to the accident. Recoverable damages for an auto accident may include:

· past medical expenses

· future medical expenses

· pain and suffering

· lost wages

Dealing with the consequences of a car accident can be a serious burden. Besides dealing with the pain and suffering caused by your accident, you will have to deal with the everyday stresses of life, such as returning to work, paying bills and repairing or replacing your vehicle. You also may spend considerable time dealing with insurance companies and medical providers.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/personal-injury-articles/how-to-choose-an-auto-accident-lawyer-483702.html

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